Modern man tossed up and down the tempest of worldly duties and responsibilities is, many a times, not surprisingly, found to be dejected and depressed. He desperately tries to take hold of some external prop to once again stand on his feet. This booklet is packed with electrifying thoughts which have the power to lift up every drooping soul back to its state of inherent power and strength. These very vigorous words of Swami Vivekananda have been instrumental in bringing about a drastic awakening in the collective and the individual minds, and in boosting them to move ahead with tremendous confidence towards the goal.
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ebook Stores | Google Play Store – Books |
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Contributor(s) | Swami Vivekananda |
Language | English |
Publisher | Advaita Ashrama |
Subject Tag | Advaita Ashrama, Swami Vivekananda, Teachings |
Print Book ISBN | 9788175050204 |
Pages in Print Book | 56 |
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Sundip P Bhatia –
Full of powerful thoughts which inspires to regain inner strength.